Planning for Anycast as Anti-DDoS

The PAADDoS project’s goal is to investigate how to improve anycast networks to better support DDoS mitigation by understanding current services, and boosting design, routing control, management and coverage by collaboration. Anycast use Internet routing to associate users with geographically close sites of a replicated service. During DDoS, anycast sites can provide capacity to absorb an attack, and they can be used to isolate the attack to part of the network.

We will work toward our goal of improving anycast use during DDoS by identify how to increase anycast networks by sharing infrastructure; evaluate anycast design issues and provide a better management to this infrastructure.

We expect these innovations to improve service resilience in the face of DDoS attacks. Our tools will improve anycast agility and management during an attack, allowing capacity to be used effectively.

PAADDoS is a joint effort of the ANT Lab involving USC/ISI (PI: John Heidemann) and the Design and Analysis of Communication Systems group at the University of Twente (PI: Aiko Pras).


PAADDoS is supported by the US DHS DHS HSARPA Cyber Security Division via contract number HSHQDC-17-R-B0004-TTA.02-0006-I in the US, by Netherlands Organisation for scientific researchNWO via contract number 4019020199 in the Netherlands, and by CONCORDIA, the Cybersecurity Competence Network supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 830927.

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